Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Roasted Sweet Potato Bites

Lately, in light of North Korea, I've been wondering if I want to just let myself go and eat Dairy Queen Blizzards for breakfast lunch and dinner. I mean how good are those things? And if we were all gone tomorrow do we want to live with the regret of eating healthy? Not me. And to be fair, I would also throw in a cherry Dilly Bar or two to balance things out. But think how fun life would be if your hardest meal decisions were M&M or Oreo? Butterfinger or Butter Cup? Fudge center or not? Of course even just typing those options gives me anxiety. What WOULD I choose? Both, I suppose. Always both. Life is short, guys.

But for now I'm going to continue throwing reasonably healthy recipes at you. Mainly because the closest DQ is about 17 miles away so it's not really an executable dream for me. 

These are so simple and delicious and go with everything. We ate them with salmon the first night, then threw them on a salad the second night. 

  • ~2 lb sweet potatoes, cleaned and peeled
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Fresh cracked pepper
 Preheat the oven to 400.  Chop the sweet potatoes into small cubes, and place them on a foil line baking sheet.  Toss them with the olive oil, salt and pepper, and brown sugar.  Roast for 25 min, stir them around, then roast for 10 more min.  Done!

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